The Ullman Polar Series poster providing details of the event.

The Ullman Polar Series started as a mid winter coaching series for the Dabchick class to gain exposure and experience in sailing in light winds. Cape Town is known for its blustery southerlies during summer and the youth had little experience sailing in light winds.  

Winter in the Cape has many days of gentle 5-10 knots southerlies that come through between cold fronts which make ideal conditions for learning to sail and gaining light wind exposure.

While the water and air is much cooler than summer, there is a lot less capsizing and hanging on and more time learning new skills.  

The Ullman Polar Series has grown year on year and is now one of the club’s most popular events and expanded to include Lasers, Optimists, and RSTera classes.

As the series involves racing, it is suited for sailors who are already participating in club sailing and would like to grow their sailing skills.

Each Sunday the sessions starts at 9am and is a mix between coaching and few short races, with the wrap up by 1pm. The results of each week form a series which goes to a final result with prizes sponsored by Ullman Sails, Cape Town.


Please complete the form below to register for the Ullman Polar Series.

Boat charter form

The form below only needs to be completed if you would like to charter one of the club boats to use in the Ullman Polar Series. If you already have your own boat then no need to complete this form.